Friday, October 26, 2007

Our little Kiley

This is a movie Mark made using his shiney new Mac a couple months back. The footage is from the first week when we got Kiley (about 2 years ago). This was of course when she was just officially Mark's kitten, before we got married and I adopted her :)

Gotta love kittens!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Planting a tree

2 of my good friends (Sarah & Jason) are getting married next summer near Redwoods National Park in northern California. They are trying to keep their wedding green and ecologically friendly and as such have sent out a Redwood Tree Germinating Kit postcard as their Save the Dates. The have asked everyone who received a Save the Date to try to grow their trees to help give back to the environment. It's also a cool reminder of the upcoming festivities. I was very excited to plant these seeds even though I've never really grown anything before--I'm not sure if mine will grow or not. I have no idea if I have a green thumb…or if I will end up killing the trees! I wanted to plant them a couple weeks ago, but realized we had no pot to plant them in, or soil to put them in. But after a quick trip to Lowe's to purchase some supplies, Saturday we got our seeds planted!!

I half jokingly asked Jason where in our tiny one bedroom apartment that I should plant my giant redwood tree, but he assured me they stay small for the first couple years. We have found a spot at the bottom of the stairs just outside the apartment. Here are some pictures of the dirt (seeds are buried). I will post updates if I get anything to grow.

The seeds in their new home!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The start

So I decided to start this blog and link my Flickr account so everyone can finally view the wedding photos online. I'm sorry it has taken so long, but as most of you know, I'm the queen of procrastination! I have wedding photos up now, and plan to add some photos from our summer cruise soon. If you want copies of any of the pictures send me an email and I will get them printed. Also, if there are other pictures you don't see up but you remember being in or saw them being taken, send me an email and I will look to see if there is one like what you are looking for. I only have about 250 of the pictures up, but Ashli (our photographer) took over 1000 pictures! So I wasn't able to upload all of them.

Okay...I will end this for now and figure out how to link the Flickr account with Marks help!

The link on the left will take you to the pictures!

-Amy :)

PS-if you read this before you may notice a change in the page. I had to switch blog hosting pages because I couldn't get the other one to do what I wanted...stick with me-I'll figure this blogging thing out eventually!