Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How I spent last night (or why I went to bed at 5am today)

Twilight (Twilight Series, Book 1) Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Its kind of like a drug when an author can draw you into a world, can draw you in so far you have no concept of time or events in your reality, to make you want to turn page after page to see how the lives of your new friends Bella and Edward are progressing. Its a good drug and I can't wait to read the next installment.

View all my reviews.

PS...I blame Mel for giving me the idea to read the book, though I only have myself to blame for taking it from her last night...and reading it all in one sitting!

1 comment:

lifexray said...

Have you read all her books?I don't usually like vampire books but they say her books are really
good.Must have been If you stayed up all night to read it.
Aunt Debbie